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GS1 France joins the Arianee consortium


These two new partnerships with the consortium represent a significant  milestone in the continued rollout of an unfalsifiable, permanent, secure and  transferable digital identity for all valuables.

Paris, September 25, 2019 – Just a few days after the announcement by four leading  watchmakers that they have become Arianee members (see press release), GS1  France and Unifab have followed suit by signing partnership agreements with the  consortium.  

The collaboration between Arianee and GS1 France, a global, neutral, nonprofit  standards organization founded by companies to facilitate information exchanges and  trade, aims to pool their experience, expertise and ideas relating to the digital identity  of products as well as the traceability and interoperability between the different links in  the value chain.  

These joint efforts will help refine requirements in building the new standards needed  for the implementation of blockchain technology to support new uses on behalf of  consumers.  

Arianee and Unifab Lab, a unit of the French association for the promotion and defense  of intellectual property rights that brings together various technology professionals  working to develop anti-counterfeiting solutions, met to discuss their common interests  on the occasion of World Anti-Counterfeiting Day. The pooling of resources to promote  the protection, authentication and traceability of products is certain to result in a  genuine leap forward and is now among the top priorities for companies conscious of  the vital need to protect their intellectual property.

These two partnerships together represent a significant milestone in the consolidation of Arianee’s ecosystem and will considerably accelerate the wider availability of a unique, unfalsifiable, permanent, secure and transferable digital identity for all valuables.

“By joining the Arianee consortium, Unifab Lab seeks to strengthen the impact of actions pursued in the fight against counterfeiting,. The use of technology to protect and promote intellectual property rights is indisputably a forward-looking solution.”

— Delphine Sarfati-Sobreira, General Manager UNIFAB

“Without a doubt, blockchain’s emergence is opening up new horizons for GS1. We must develop a new generation of standards to further the wide-scale deployment of these new coopetition ecosystems. This partnership with Arianee is certain to be fruitful, given the complementarity between our approaches to the digital identity of products and their traceability.”

— François Deprey, CEO of GS1 France

“We are honored that GS1 France and Unifab Lab have placed their trust in us to realize the full potential of the Arianee protocol. With the signing of these agreements, Arianee enlists the support of two strong partners to help the consortium successfully achieve its objectives and take part in the development of the blockchain technology ecosystem.”

— Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, CEO Arianee

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